About Us
Super Spreader LLC was created when Chris Carlson, a grain farmer from North Dakota, and Brent Kvasnicka, a custom grain harvester from Kansas, crossed paths and recognized some areas for improvement on their personal Gleaner combines. With advanced crop varieties and hybrids producing some of the greatest yields in history, new challenges have surfaced for all combine owners. One key segment that is vital for most farming operations is residue management, especially when no-till or minimal until practices are implemented.

The effective spread width on the Gleaner combine was not acceptable in tough harvest conditions, so the two took the initiative to design a new straw spreader to install on their machines. The increased performance from the new design allowed Chris’s R76 Gleaner combine equipped with a 42’ Honeybee to spread tough spring wheat straw the full width of his header. Brent installed the Super Spreader on his S77 Gleaner with a 35’ DynaFlex while harvesting field peas and went from spreading 27’ to over 40’ and was required to slow down the spreader RPM to achieve matched width spreading.
Super Spreader LLC was created by two individuals that share the love for agriculture and the common goal to continue feeding the world for years to come. The product we offer is designed by farmers and harvesters who truly understand the importance of combine performance and how it can affect the outcome of next year’s crops. Residue management is a very crucial segment of farming, and the Super Spreader will take your Gleaner combines residue spreading performance to the next level.
Carlson Family
Chris & Kendra
From Left to Right- Kalli, Colton and Connor

Kvasnicka Family
Brent and Rachel
From Left to Right – Lilly, Jazzy and Melyssa